The process of life includes many types of pressure, strain and difficult experiences The goal of a Chabad - Lubavitch Rabbi and his wife is to help individuals and families live through the ups and downs in the most positive way. Jewish teaching itself provides a great resource for this. At a difficult time, a chat with the Rabbi or his wife may well help a person see things in a clearer perspective.

At the Chabad House one can get help in personal counseling on any aspect of life including marriage counseling. When necessary the Chabad House can help a person in need to find suitable professional help. 

At Lubavitch Head Office in North London, Rabbi Yitzchok Sufrin, Director of Friends of the Small Communities, offers counseling for all aspects of life including for people involved in cults. Another well known personal counselor at Head Office is Rabbi Shmuel Lew. They can be contacted at 020 800 0022. Or just get in touch with your local Chabad House.