Today there are some 3500 Chabad Houses strengethening Jewish life all over the world, in virtually every country where there are Jews.
Lubavitch House hosts a wide range of activities and facilities with thousands of users in North London and beyond.
From the Northern tip of the country all the way down to the South Coast - there's a Chabad Centre close to you.
Chabad is one of the largest Jewish education institutions in the Glasgow and Edinburgh Jewish communities and throughout Scotland.
Rabbi Zalman and Rivkah Lent run the Chabad Centre for Republic of Ireland. The Centre is based in Dublin.
The Small Communities division, run by Rabbi Yitzchok Sufrin, is in close contact with hundreds of individuals and families round the country.
Over 4,000 full-time emissary families direct more than 3,300 institutions dedicated to the welfare of the Jewish people worldwide.